Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday Night Weigh-In

Well, I knew I didn't do quite as good this week. We had the whole gang over Sunday for the Super Bowl, and boy did they deliver with the food!! For the most part, I did ok staying away from it, but the rice krispies treats and the chips with cheese dip just WOULD NOT stop calling my name. So I caved and ate just a little bit of both. I used all of my weekly allowance points Sunday night. So anyway, back to the weigh in - I lost 1.4 for a total of 13.8. It's still a loss, so I'm not going to complain! But we're back on track this week, and I'm going to be sure to track everything I eat and all that good stuff!!

1 comment:

  1. 1.4 is great! Congrats!

    Rice krispie treats call my name too! I made some for the husband to take to work for Valentines Day and for my daughters' V-day party. I cut them into heart shapes and kept sticking the extra edges in my mouth. I couldn't help it.
