Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday Night Weigh - In

This week was a complete shocker! Seems my cousin inherited our grandmother's awesome cooking skills, and invited my husband and me over to her house for supper. Unfortunately, the cooking isn't salad and fruit...we're talking some true southern cooking. Cube steak, macaroni n cheese, rice and gravy, yeah, you get the idea. I showed as much restraint as humanly possible under such extreme pressure, but I was sure I had gained after all that. But alas, nope!! I lost 1.6 this week for a total of 23 pounds! Woohoo!! It is also "that week" and I always gain during "that week", so I was extra pleased =) I'm really begining to think that I can do this!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


First, I wanted to thank you guys for the incredibly sweet and inspiring comments you left me on my last posting. I was having a less than great day, and feeling sorry for myself, and you three gave me the boost I needed. Thanks!
So this week's weigh in was good! I lost 1.4 this week for a total of 21.2. I'm almost at my 10%, which was my first goal. I'm really excited about hitting that, and at getting my key chain from WW =)
Hope your weeks were good too!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Yeah, so I was hoping the almost-20-pounds-lost picture would look different. I can't even tell a difference in this picture, but I said I'd put one out here, so here we go. I wore the same thing I was wearing in that last picture. I'm going to go ahead and say I did that on purpose to show the difference in the way my clothes are fitting. Never would my picture just happen to be taken in the same clothes because I wear the same stuff all.the.time. Never. I absolutely LOVE shopping for huge clothes, so my closet is just overflowing with designer outfits. Wow, I feel like I should be doing a Not Me Monday journal entry. =) So without further ado, here we are, 19 pounds lighter:

To which I say, barf.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Slacker Me, and Weigh-In Thursday

Well, as with most things in my life, I've started slacking off on my weight-loss blog. Seems like I've missed a couple of weeks. I know I gained .6 one of those weeks, and lost 3.2 last week. This week, I only lost .6, which really surprised me. I was extra good this week ~ gym every day at lunch, actually cooked supper at home rather than eating out, etc. But I guess .6 is still a loss, and a step in the right direction. So this makes a total of 19 pounds I've lost since January. I think it's time for a new picture to go up. Maybe we'll be able to tell a difference??? There will be one posted tomorrow....gotta get somebody to take it =)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm Baaaack

It has been a tough 3 weeks. First I gained .2, then last week I maintained. I had really gotten discouraged, but did not give up. Well, it paid off! This week I lost 3 pounds! That's a total of 16.6! More and more people are starting to ask me if I'm loosing weight, which feels great! I love being able to tell in my clothes and by other people telling me. It's awesome, and I'm back!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday Night Weigh-In

Well, I knew I didn't do quite as good this week. We had the whole gang over Sunday for the Super Bowl, and boy did they deliver with the food!! For the most part, I did ok staying away from it, but the rice krispies treats and the chips with cheese dip just WOULD NOT stop calling my name. So I caved and ate just a little bit of both. I used all of my weekly allowance points Sunday night. So anyway, back to the weigh in - I lost 1.4 for a total of 13.8. It's still a loss, so I'm not going to complain! But we're back on track this week, and I'm going to be sure to track everything I eat and all that good stuff!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I haven't quite gotten up the nerve to actually take a bathing suit picture yet as described in my first post(you're welcome). So I decided I would post a picture of me fully clothed...just as bad, but not quite as revealing (again, you're welcome). To the right is a picture of me and my husband on our anniversary trip. That was me at my biggest, and I'll start taking more pictures soon! I can't tell a difference yet, but some people are starting to tell me they can see it in my face.

Weigh-In Night

Welp, much to my pleasant surprise, I lost 2.8 this week! I really had myself convinced that I had gained! So yea!! So this makes a total of 12.4, 3 weeks. Very good, if I do say so myself :) I am .6 away from my first goal of 5%. I'll get it next week!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Little Worried

I'm a little worried about this week's weigh in. It just hasn't been a good week for me. I haven't gone over my points, but I did use my Flex Points, which I haven't done before. I'm hoping they're right in saying that those points are there for you to use as you wish, and won't make you gain weight. I've just been a little emotional this week, and we all know what happens when we get emotional. Oh yeah...we eat. Also, today my friend wanted to go to Zaxby's for lunch. I thought that would be a pretty good place to get something healthy. Unfortunatley, it is not in the Dining Out guide, so I just used what I thought was my best judgement and got the grilled chicken sandwhich. When we got back to work, I checked the points on Dottie's weight loss zone. Yeah, turns out it was 25 points!!! I almost fainted. Yes, I do get 33 points a day, but I had used 3 for breakfast, so that left me with 5 points for supper. I won't make that mistake again!!!
Guess we'll find out tomorrow!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Weigh-In, Week 3

Ummm, how much do I love Weight Watchers?????? Y'all, this week, I ate good. I used my points right, I ate my favorite foods, threw in those needed fruits and veggies, and was never once hungry. I love this!!! Anyway, this week, I lost 4.2!! That's a total of 9.6 in two weeks! I am just amazed, and it's giving me so much motivation. Yes, I can loose this weight!! I am going to be hot before I know it :)

Hope you guys had a great week too!! Looking forward to next week.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Week One Weigh-In

Wow. Weighing in tonight was great! I had a great week on Weight Watchers. I didn't deprive myself of some of my favorite foods, so I was able to keep it up. That's the great thing about the long as you've got the points, you can eat what you like! It certainly gets harder as you get skinnier, but right now I get a lot of points, so the eatin's good! Anyway, back to the weigh-in! I weighed 269.4 this week! I lost 5.4 pounds in one week! I'm very proud of myself, and looking forward to next week's weigh-in already!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

You Know You Gotta Diet When...

Sigh. So everytime we have a family birthday, the whole gang goes to the nursing home the next Sunday so that we can celebrate with my Nannie. Tonight was the night to celebrate David's birthday. As we were leaving, my nannie pulled me aside and asked me (quite loudly) if I was pregnant. Ugh. Did she really not think that we would have told her if I was pregnant? So in front of my whole family, I had to explain to her that no, I was not pregnant...just fat. Hopefully by the next birthday event she won't have to question my pregnancy status :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Ok, so I know that every scale is different, but this has really got me excited and extra motivated: according to my scales at home, I've lost 6 pounds!!! Since Thursday!!!! I can not wait until next Thursday to go back to the Weight Watcher meeting and officially weigh in!!!

I'll be sure to keep you posted :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Very Long Journey

I had a breakdown yesterday. It was ugly - and it was right in the middle of my doctor's office. I had my annual YUCK doctor appointment yesterday and of course they weigh you first thing. When the number popped up, I started crying. I can't believe I have let my self go this far. Only 8 years ago, I was wearing a size 8 and looking good. Men actually turned their heads when I walked by. I wore leather pants and tight skirts. I go to lunch with my girlfriends now, and men will stare at them, and not even glance at me. I used to be the girl getting checked out. Now? Oh, now I weigh 272 pounds. I have gained 100 pounds in 3 years. Is that possible? What on earth has happened to me??? Oh sure, I had a baby, but that is absolutely no excuse! So it starts now. Today is the first day of the rest of my life, and I will get skinny again. Yes, I will! I am going to Weight Watchers tonight, and starting the gym tomorrow. I have pulled out pictures of me when I was in college and have placed them on my fridge. Do I really want my daughter to grow up with the "fat mom"? I certainly don't want her to follow in my foot steps. I am going to make sure she doesn't have to struggle with her weight her entire life like I have. It starts today.

So I'm going to go ahead and warn you - I will be posting disgusting pictures on this blog. Tonight, I am going to have my husband (why in the world does he still love me? I don't even love me) take pictures of me in my bathing suit every month. Yes, it will be gross. But if I can't see my progress, I know I'll quit. I hope that none of you, my dear blogger friends, think less of me after you see them. I really am a cute person, on the inside :)

So, here we go. Please pray that I have the strength and will power to do this. I have to - for me and for Julia.