Monday, April 6, 2009


Yeah, so I was hoping the almost-20-pounds-lost picture would look different. I can't even tell a difference in this picture, but I said I'd put one out here, so here we go. I wore the same thing I was wearing in that last picture. I'm going to go ahead and say I did that on purpose to show the difference in the way my clothes are fitting. Never would my picture just happen to be taken in the same clothes because I wear the same stuff all.the.time. Never. I absolutely LOVE shopping for huge clothes, so my closet is just overflowing with designer outfits. Wow, I feel like I should be doing a Not Me Monday journal entry. =) So without further ado, here we are, 19 pounds lighter:

To which I say, barf.


  1. remember, chick, WE'LL GET THERE.... we're kicking mega ass so far, and we will continue to do it, too. i'm pissed because i can't see an outward difference, either, but my clothes are fitting different, too. so that's a start, right? and at least WE'RE COMMITTED!!! that counts for something, doesn't it? we're done going to the plus size department.... we're done looking like the people that make us want to puke our guts out.... we're on our way, sister!! we just gotta stick with it, and we're good to go! we're in it till the end. rock.freakin.on! hell yeah! kisses <3

  2. NEVER say barf!!!! You are doing tremendous--keep it up, you are inspiring us ALL!!!! Way to go Becky!!!!

  3. No barfing allowed!!!!!! Not at all! You've lost 19 pounds. Nineteen!!!!!!!! That's a toddler you've lost from your body. 19 pounds of pressure off your heart. 76 pounds of pressure off your knees (4 pounds for each pound of weight you lose). You're doing this, Becky! It's a good visual to do side by sides for comparing pictures. If you don't have a photo editor, send me your before picture along with the current one and I'll do it for you. :)
