Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday Night Weigh - In

This week was a complete shocker! Seems my cousin inherited our grandmother's awesome cooking skills, and invited my husband and me over to her house for supper. Unfortunately, the cooking isn't salad and fruit...we're talking some true southern cooking. Cube steak, macaroni n cheese, rice and gravy, yeah, you get the idea. I showed as much restraint as humanly possible under such extreme pressure, but I was sure I had gained after all that. But alas, nope!! I lost 1.6 this week for a total of 23 pounds! Woohoo!! It is also "that week" and I always gain during "that week", so I was extra pleased =) I'm really begining to think that I can do this!


  1. you CAN do this Becky!!! I already are! Congrats!!

  2. go you! as for me, i'm beginning to doubt that i can do this... after i've been sick and all that other crap, i've gained freakin 10lbs back. i swear. i don't think i am ever ever ever going to get there... i wish i had your success, will power, and determination! :( i suck. you rock. end of story.
