Saturday, January 10, 2009


Ok, so I know that every scale is different, but this has really got me excited and extra motivated: according to my scales at home, I've lost 6 pounds!!! Since Thursday!!!! I can not wait until next Thursday to go back to the Weight Watcher meeting and officially weigh in!!!

I'll be sure to keep you posted :)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, Becky! I have just started the same journey myself! When I graduated from college about 7 years I had lost a total of almost 70 pounds following Weight Watchers. I had stuggled with my weight my entire life and finally was able to get it under control. I had never felt better. But, duirng the past seven years I have put on 35 pounds and I have vowed this is the year I will take it off! I went to my first "return" to Weight Watchers meeting this past Friday! I am looking forward joining you in the journey! All the best!! You are off the a great start!
